We made these sheets to increase the public's understanding of complex topics and the studies taking place on those topics. Read and give us your answers on each topic.

Cumulative Effects
Learn about cumulative effects and how we plan to study cumulative effects that may arise due to the Project.
Learn about how we will study potential affects of the Project on vegetation and biodiversity.
Visual Environment
Learn about the visual environment and how the Project may affect it, including light pollution, viewscapes and waterbodies.
Socio Economic
Learn about how we will study the Project’s potential affects on individual and community social and economic well-being.
Geology, Terrain and Soils
Learn about geology, terrain and soils and how we will study the ways the Project may affect them.
Groundwater and Surface Water
Learn how we will study potential Project affects on groundwater and surface water.
Aquatic Habitat
Learn about how we will study potential project affects on aquatic environments including fish and fish habitats.
Migratory Birds
Learn about how we will study potential affects of the Project on migratory birds in the Project area including Forest Birds, Raptors, Shorebirds, Waterfowl Crepuscular Birds and Wetland Birds.

We want everyone to have an understanding, in plain language, of the many technical studies that are being done as part of this environmental assessment.

Cultural Heritage
Learn about how we will study the potential affects of the Project on cultural heritage and archaeology.
Species at Risk
Learn about how we will study the potential affects of the Project on Species at Risk including species of bats, birds, mammals and fish.
Acoustic Environment
Learn about the acoustic environment and how we will study potential Project affects due to construction noise and vibration.
Human Health
Learn about how we will study potential affects of the Project on Human Health.
Climate Change and Air Quality
Learn about how we will study potential affects of the Project on the climate and air quality
Caribou and Wolverine
Learn about how we will study potential affects of the Project on caribou and wolverine.
Aboriginal Treaty Rights
Learn about Aboriginal and Treaty Rights and Interests and how we will examine the ways the Project may affect them.

If you have any questions, please contact us through this form.


    Want to comment on these studies? Simply click on this link.

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