WSR Project Environmental Assessment

Webequie First Nation (WFN) is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) study under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act and an impact assessment (IA) study under the federal Impact Assessment Act for the Webequie Supply Road Project. 

Federal - Provincial Coordinated EA

For the Webequie Supply Road Project, the two levels of government follow the coordinated EA process and produce one body of documentation.

The single EA document will address the requirements of both the provincial Terms of Reference (ToR) and the federal Tailored Impact Assessment Guidelines (TISG).

To help facilitate a coordinated process, an EA Coordination Team has been established for this project that includes representatives of both the federal and provincial governments. The purpose of this team is to address and coordinate the requirements of both processes in an efficient manner.

EA Coordination Team

The mandate of the EA Coordination Team is to meet with the Webequie Project Team on a regular basis, in a forum where team members can exchange information, including:

  • Providing each other with updates on the EA process;
  • Explore issues and collectively try to resolve them before they compromise the EA process;
  • Work on coordinating the EAs and keep the processes moving forward in lockstep to the greatest possible extent; and
  • Seek feedback on Indigenous and public and stakeholder consultation. Meetings with the EA Coordination Team are scheduled to occur every two weeks via teleconference, and in person when it is determined to be of assistance.

The EA Coordination Team is comprised of the following provincial and federal agencies:

  • Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines;
  • Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks;
  • Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry;
  • Ministry of Transportation Ontario; and
  • Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

EA Process Milestones

As part of the coordinated federal-provincial EA process, the Webequie Supply Road Environmental Assessment will include the following process milestones, as presented in figure:
  • Pre-EA Planning, including signing of the voluntary agreement to participate in the process, development of the ToR and the Tailored Impact Assessment Guidelines;
  • EA commencement;
  • Environmental baseline studies and preparation of the Environmental Assessment Report/Impact Statement (EAR/IS);
  • EA decision; and
  • Monitoring and follow-up

Coordinated Webequie-Federal-Provincial EA Process


Project Description Evolution

Webequie FN Principles and Environmental Stewardship
Project Description
Traditional Knowledge


Determine if EA is required and Plan EA

Three-Tier Model Inherent Rights - Webequie prepares to engage membership and neighbours on TOR and TISG
Federal IS
Webequie submits Initial Project Description - Webequie submits Detailed Project Description- Agency issues TISG
Provincial EA
Voluntary Agreement - Webequie prepares TOR (draft and final) for Minister's Decision

Future Steps

Evaluation Project: Gather Information and Assess Effects

Webequie conducts studies, consults, and prepares EAR/IS in accordance with approved TOR/TISG and Three-Tier model.

Future Steps

Review the EAR/IS

Updated soon.

Future Steps

Make EA Decision

Updated soon.

Finish Line

Post EA Approvals/Permits

Updated Soon.

Project Phases

Implementation of the Project will occur in phases. The potential interactions with the natural, cultural and socio-economic environments and the potential occurrence of residual impacts are anticipated to be different in each phase. In order to focus the impact assessment, the above key activities can be divided into the three main phases:


Construction: All the activities associated with the initial development of the road and supportive infrastructure.

Operation and Maintenance: All activities associated with operation and maintenance of the road and any other permanent supportive infrastructure (e.g., operation and maintenance yard, aggregate pits) that will be needed for the life of the road

Decommissioning/Closure: All activities required to decommission/close the road.  The Project will operate for an indeterminate time period; therefore, retirement (or decommissioning) is not anticipated.

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      63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


      +12 (0) 345 678 9

