Answers your questions about the Webequie Supply Road Project and more
The Webequie Supply Road Project is a Webequie First Nation-led environmental assessment and preliminary engineering study of a proposed all-season road connecting Webequie airport with the existing mineral exploration activities and proposed mine developments in the McFaulds Lake area. The purpose of the road would be to move materials, supplies and people between Webequie Airport and the McFaulds Lake area.
As the Proponent, Webequie First Nation is leading the environmental assessment and engineering study with the assistance of our technical experts. This Project is an important project to our community, and we want to ensure that the impacts – both positive and negative – are thoroughly reviewed to make sure that our community members understand the environmental, socio-economic and cultural impacts of the Supply Road before making a decision. Throughout the planning and engagement process, the Webequie Project Team will ensure that all project activities will be done according to the Elders’ guiding principles and the Webequie First Nation three-tier approach to Indigenous community engagement.
An Environmental Assessment (EA) is a process to predict environmental effects of proposed activities before they are carried out. An environmental assessment i) identifies potential adverse environmental effects; ii) proposes measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects; iii) predicts whether there will be significant adverse environmental effects, after mitigation measures are implemented; and iv) includes a follow-up program to verify the accuracy of the environmental assessment and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.
The Project will be going through the Ontario Environmental Assessment Process. The first step is to prepare a Terms of Reference. It is the “work plan” for the Environmental Assessment and describes what will be done during the environmental assessment to understand any effects of the Supply Road on the environment and communities (natural, social, economic, and cultural). When the Terms of Reference is approved by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), Webequie First Nation, with our technical experts, will complete the Environmental Assessment.
The Webequie Supply Road may need to go through the federal process under the Impact Assessment Act, 2019. To determine whether the Project requires a Federal environmental assessment, Webequie First Nation will prepare and submit a Project Description to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada. The Agency will then issue Impact Statement (IS) guidelines for Webequie First Nation to use when preparing the federal environmental assessment. Similar to the provincial process, the IS guidelines serve as the federal “work plan” for the environmental assessment process.
If both Environmental Assessment processes are required, then Webequie Supply Road will undergo a Coordinated Environmental Assessment process, which is done to prevent or limit any overlap of the project activities.
Throughout the Environmental Assessment process, our technical experts will be conducting field surveys to observe the wildlife and environment within the Supply Road study area. Surveys include observing wildlife, fish and vegetation, collecting water samples, surveying types of soils as well as engaging with community members on traditional land and resource uses and cultural areas.
Our community will use the Environmental Assessment as an information gathering tool so that we can make an informed decision. We want to fully understand what the good and bad effects are of the Supply Road on our community, environment, and culture, before deciding whether to go ahead with the construction of the Supply Road.
There will be plenty of opportunities for community members to participate in the Project during and after the Study. Community members will be able to work with our technical experts in the field to conduct wildlife and vegetation surveys for the Environmental Assessment. If the Supply Road is built, community members will have the opportunity to conduct environmental monitoring, operate and work at camp facilities, operate heavy equipment and participate in the project in many other ways. During operation of the road, there will be opportunities for maintenance and security of the Supply Road, as well as possibly operating commercial businesses along the road.
A vegetation study will be done to understand vegetation that may be affected by the Webquie Supply Road, as well as the species that inhabit those vegetation types. As part of the study, surveys will be conducted to collect information on various vegetation types, such as string bogs and muskeg. The goal of these surveys is to identify and consider the effects of the Project on vegetation, as well as to provide recommendations for minimizing negative environmental, health, social, project constructability and economic effects related to vegetation during construction and operation/maintenance of the Project.
Potential effects to Upland, Wetland and Riparian Landcovers/Habitats will be assessed by determining the removals of landcover types because of the Project, including quality of vegetation available to wildlife species. The Assessment will also examine potential effects to any known or assumed critical life cycle role the habitats provide in the study areas.
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study vegetation review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
The existing trail system between Webequie First Nation and the McFaulds Lake area is largely only passable for the entire distance during the coldest winter months. During the other seasons of the year, the trail system is interrupted by intermittent waterbodies, watercourses and large-scale wetlands (muskeg). In addition, the existing trails are narrow and suitable only for snowmobile access. They would have to be upgraded to current provincial standards/specifications for winter roads to facilitate heavy vehicles, such as transport trucks. The seasonal lifespan of the winter road could be lengthened marginally by the addition of permanent bridge/culvert structures across the larger watercourses that tend to open up soonest in the spring.
Construction of the WSR is estimated to occur within a 33-month period, after securing all of the required approvals, permits, licences, authorizations and clearances to construct.
Construction will occur in two stages:
The detailed construction plans and sequencing of the Project will be determined during the Detailed Design phase through discussions between Indigenous communities and the construction contractor.
The Webequie Supply Road Project Team is commencing an Indigenous Knowledge / Indigenous Land and Resource Use (IKLRU) Program. The IKLRU Program will provide important information that will inform the Environmental / Impact Assessments. The information gathered through the IKLRU Program will be used in combination with scientific approaches. Both knowledge systems will be given equal consideration in forming the baseline conditions and predicting potential Project effects, including potential effects to Indigenous rights and interests.
The purpose of the IKLRU Program is to:
The IKLRU Program will occur in two phases:
Currently, the Project Team is determining which First Nations are interested in participating in the Program. Communities may share as much or as little IKLRU information as they wish, and in whatever form they prefer. The communities can also review the EAR / IS to ensure accuracy of IKLRU information, including if it has been adequately, appropriately, and respectfully represented within the Assessment.
You can learn more about the IKLRU Program here.
The goal of the Socio-Economic Study is to understand how, and to what extent, community socio-economic well-being could be affected by the construction and operation/maintenance of the Webequie Supply Road.
The study will involve:
The Project Team is asking for participation from Indigenous communities to discuss and collect socio-economic information and to verify the information gathered so far. Participation options for First Nations include:
Learn more about the Socio-economic Program.
The Project Team is conducting two studies to understand the potential effects of the WSR on water. These studies are the Aquatic Habitat Study and the Groundwater and Surface Water Study.
Aquatic Habitat Study
This study will gather information regarding the existing aquatic conditions at the 26 waterbody crossings identified along the preliminary preferred corridor for the WSR. The information collected in this study includes information about fish habitats such as:
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study the aquatic habitat, review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
Groundwater and Surface Water Study
This study will gather information about groundwater and surface water including:
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study groundwater and surface water, review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
The peat will not be removed- the road base will sit on top of the peat. Crossing structures such as bridges and culverts (pipes under the road to allow water to pass through) will be designed to accommodate water flows that happen very infrequently, such as during major storm / rain events.
During construction, the environmental management plan (EMP) will be in place to limit impacts to fish and fish habitat. Best Management Practices such as the use of silt fences to control erosion will be in place, reinforced by environmental monitors who make sure that the EMP is being followed correctly. After construction, operational and environmental monitoring plans will be in place, supported by environmental inspectors to enforce these plans, to make sure that the road is not harming fish and fish habitat.
Since we will not be excavating the peat that sits in the muskeg, the road will essentially float on top of the peat. The part of the road under the surface (the road base) must be strengthened by using something called Geogrid to handle the weight of vehicles to prevent the road from slumping or slowly sinking. Geogrid is like a mat that makes the road base stronger by spreading out the weight or load of the vehicles using the road. By reducing settlement of the road base, Geogrid keeps road maintenance costs lower, as less gravel is required to repair the road.
It could, unless measures are taken to prevent this from happening. The water in the muskeg is essentially a slow-moving sheet of water. Over time the water would build up on one side of the road. To prevent this from happening, culverts, or pipes under the road, are installed to make the flow equal or close to equal on each side of the road, preventing water build-up on one side.
To develop a baseline, or a description of the way things are in the environment before the project is constructed, different kinds of environmental studies need to be done. The purpose of doing this is to be able to see if the road or its construction are having an impact on the environment. The baseline gives environmental experts something to compare to. We will be doing baseline studies for spring water / groundwater to look at both spring water levels and the quality (chemical content- types of chemicals and amounts) of the spring water. This way, through environmental monitoring during and after construction, we can see if the road is having any impacts on spring water levels and quality. If it is, we can then figure out how to control or eliminate these impacts.
Our project team relies heavily on community members to share their knowledge of the land in many ways, including working with us side-by-side in the field to do environmental surveys and sharing with us which local plants and animals are used by them and how they are used (i.e., food, medicine, spiritual ceremonies). Our environmental assessment will be a blend and analysis of both Western Science and Indigenous knowledge.
At this point in time, there is no answer to this question. Webequie First Nation is the proponent of the environmental assessment study, but there is no proponent of the possible road construction right now. There is research being done on the different types of roads and what kind of maintenance is required for such roads.
Webequie First Nation wants to hear from you. We want to ensure that we are making the right decisions to plan for the Supply Road and we are thoroughly assessing the effects of the Supply Road on the environment and communities. We will engage with our neighbouring Indigenous communities, as well as nearby municipalities, stakeholder groups and the government.
In the meantime, should have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact one of our main engagement contacts:
At this time, Webequie First Nation is seeking approval for the development of a supply road; however, the basic corridor for the supply road that will undergo an Environmental / Impact Assessment will be wide enough to accommodate future communications (e.g., broadband fibre optic line) and low voltage power distribution lines, if and when connection is established to the provincial highway and electricity grid system. However, given the current uncertainty regarding how and when power and communications infrastructure will be extended into the Project area, these components have not been included in the scope of the Project. This means that details, such as potential hydro providers, are currently unknown.
There are various technically feasible design and construction solutions for implementing all-season roads in Canada’s northern regions which are being considered for this Project as well as proven technologies for construction of all-season roads in the challenging geographical conditions (e.g., use of styrofoam slabs and geotextile/geogrid in peat/muskeg soils).
There are number of aggregate sources that provide options for extracting materials needed for the Project; however, several source locations will require further evaluation in the Environmental / Impact Assessment.
Esker formations are a source option and are present along the north-south section and towards the end of the east-west section of the proposed supply road corridor.
Temporary and permanent access roads from aggregate source locations to the Webequie Supply Road corridor will be required during the construction and operation phases of the Project. Alternative routes for access roads will be considered in the EA, with the goal of minimizing haul route distances and negative effects on the environment.
Currently, the Project Team is collecting data on the terrain and information from:
• Existing published literature;
• Mapping; and
• Field survey results.
Data gathered will be incorporated into a map for evaluation which will include information on:
• Information on eskers and other post-glacial deposits;
• Geomorphology, topography and geotechnical characteristics in Project area, including the presence and distribution of eskers and permafrost; and
• Ground instability.
Additionally, terrain and soil investigations will facilitate the identification of potential aggregate sources, characterization of stream crossings and mapping of route alternatives.
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study geology, terrain, and soils review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
The Webequie First Nation (WFN) Reserve is currently serviced by the Webequie Airport. Since 2015, the community has been involved in the investigation of an all-season road corridor to better service the community and provide economic development opportunities for its members and businesses that reside in or around the community’s reserve and traditional territory. The Webequie Supply Road could be constructed and operated as a facility that only provides a connection between WFN and the McFaulds Lake area to serve mineral exploration and future mining development activities, with no connection to the provincial highway system. However, with implementation of the Project and future mining and road infrastructure developments in the McFaulds Lake area, it is likely that WFN could gain year-round access to the provincial highway system.
The WSR Project Team is undertaking a Cumulative Effects Assessment and a Climate Change Assessment.
The Cumulative Effects Assessment will aim to:
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study cumulative effects, review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
The Climate Change Assessment will aim to:
To learn more about how the Project Team is planning to study climate change, review the Fact Sheet and Study Plan Summary.
As part of the Socio-economic Study, the Project Team is gathering information related to several preliminary criteria, also known as valued components (VCs). VCs are aspects of the environment that have physical, biological, social, economic, cultural, and health related importance to Indigenous communities, public, federal and provincial authorities and interested stakeholders. VCs may be affected by the Project in both positive and negative ways.
One of the preliminary VCs the Project Team is considering is Community Well-Being and Safety. To examine this VC, the Project Team is looking for information about social cohesion and culture, participation in social and/or cultural events, domestic violence, physical/sexual assault and air quality and noise. To better understand Community Well-Being and Safety, the Project Team is conducting research by gathering information from publicly available sources such as:
In addition, the Project Team will collect information from Indigenous communities using several methods including:
All data collection activities will respect and adhere to the community’s cultural protocols and be subject to OCAP (ownership, control, access and possession) principles.
Understanding how the Project may affect the social and economic conditions of Indigenous communities begins with understanding the current conditions in the communities potentially effected by the Project. Once the Project Team understands current socio-economic conditions in the communities, they can assess how the Project may affect Indigenous communities and provide measures to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive effects.
Learn more about the Socio-economic Program and the Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Land and Resource Use Program.
As part of the Socio-economic Study, the Project Team is gathering information related to several preliminary criteria, also known as valued components (VCs). VCs are aspects of the environment that have physical, biological, social, economic, cultural, and health related importance to Indigenous communities, public, federal and provincial authorities and interested stakeholders. VCs may be affected by the Project in both positive and negative ways.
The VCs related to culture include:
To better understand the VCs related to culture, the Project Team is conducting research by gathering information from publicly available sources such as:
In addition, the Project Team will collect information from Indigenous communities using a number of methods including:
All data collection activities will respect and adhere to the community’s cultural protocols and be subject to OCAP (ownership, control, access and possession) principles.
Understanding how the WSR may affect the culture of Indigenous communities begins with understanding the current conditions in the communities potentially effected by the Project. Once the Project team understands the baseline conditions in the communities, they can assess how the Project may affect the culture of Indigenous communities and provide measures to mitigate negative effects and enhance positive effects.
Learn more about the Socio-economic Program and the Indigenous Knowledge and Traditional Land and Resource Use Program.
Community members report the winter road season has shortened.
The distance Webequie is located from Thunder Bay by air.
The environmental assessment will involve consultation with 22 Indigenous communities and stakeholders.
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