
Live Stream
November 4th // 2020

We are having a virtual meeting, come join us to talk about the terms of reference for our Environmental Assessment

Nov 4th - 1pm and 4pm

Ask our socio economic expert questions and we'll answer them live.

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    Socio-Economic Expert

    Forward your questions to

    We will be studying how the Webequie Supply Road will impact Webequie and neighbouring Indigenous communities, both socially and economically, as well as the pros and cons.

    You will be able to text us, email us and/or speak to us live via Skype.  That’s right, this is a fully live session.  We look forward to seeing you there.

    Please text 807 630 1864 with questions, you can do this live!


    Tune in for another exciting and engaging live streaming session with the Webequie Supply Road Project Team on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 1:00-2:00pm and 4:00-5:00pm, featuring a discussion with our Socio-Economic Specialist to talk about how socio-economics will be studied.

    In the same way that biologists are looking at impacts on wildlife and fish and their habitat, we will be looking at the impacts on the human environment.  We will be studying how the Webequie Supply Road will impact Webequie and neighbouring Indigenous communities, both socially and economically, as well as determining the positive and negative impacts.

    The socio-economic impact assessment will also incorporate the Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) framework, to ensure that all diverse perspectives and voices are captured and assessed through their lens.

    This why it is important for YOU, AS COMMUNITY MEMBERS, to participate in our socio-economic baseline data collection.  Tune in to find out how YOU can participate in our socio-economic engagement activities – we will be collecting information through surveys (online and door-to-door), key informant interviews, and focus groups

    We look forward to seeing you at our live streaming session!

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      +12 (0) 345 678 9

