The virtual community meetings are part of the Webequie Supply Road (WSR) Round 3 of the environmental assessment consultation process.

The WSR Project Team has also made available a Virtual Reality (VR) Open House for community members to view project information and to provide comments. The VR Open House is tailored for each community – an invitation letter will be sent to your community with a link to the VR Open House.  This is the official page containing your community’s zoom link, simply click on your community.

We invite you to participate in these virtual community information sessions to learn more about the project.  We also have a live link here.


This is the official page to find your community meeting time and links to join.  No registration required.  We are currently starting Rd. 2, June 17th, 2024

June 17th, 2024: 12PM
July 8th, 2024: 11am
June 17th, 2024: 1PM
June 24th, 2024: 11am
July 8th, 2024: 12pm
June 24th, 2024: 12pm
July 15th, 2024: 12pm
July 8th, 2024: 1pm
July 15th, 2024: 1pm
July 29th, 2024: 12pm
June 24th, 2024: 1pm
July 2nd, 2024: 11am
July 29th, 2024: 1pm
July 29th, 2024: 2pm
July 2nd, 2024: 12pm
July 2nd, 2024: 1pm
July 29th, 2024: 11am
July 22nd, 2024: 11am
July 22nd, 2024: 12pm
June 17th, 2024: 11am
July 15th, 2024: 12pm
July 22nd, 2024: 1pm


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Join our newsletter to receive up to date information on our sessions and information and materials about our project. It's free and your email information is never shared.

2024 05 27 12 51 39 Kashechewan

Official Round Three Part One virtual community meetings, listed by date, time and First Nation. Feel free to find yours and review at your own leisure. These are the ...official virtual community zoom meetings, listed by date, time and First Nation. Feel free to find yours and review at your own leisure.[+] Show More

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